Hearing Animals in the Attic: Here’s What You Can Do

Are you hearing scurrying or scratching noises at night? You’d wish it was a ghost if you knew the damage critters could do to your precious attic. Attics are ideal habitats for squirrels, rats, and even bats, which can nibble on stored goods and even eat through your electrical wiring. They also leave droppings and other animal waste, making your attic a perfect breeding ground for insects and illnesses.

When Are Animals Most Likely to Invade Your Attic?

Animals are most likely to break into and enter your home during mating season, when they require a suitable location to nest, as well as during fall season, particularly in northern regions, when they seek warm sanctuary from the impending cold of winter.

These unwelcome visitors may make their presence known by appearance, sound, or fragrance. If you hear animals on your roof, see animal droppings on your roof, or see critters moving beneath the eaves or physically invading your property, walk around your house and start at ground level. 

Why Should You Worry About These Uninvited Guests?

The terrifying aspect of having animals in your attic or walls is that the electrical wiring, heating and cooling, and plumbing systems all run through these places. Rats, mice, and squirrels all have teeth that are continually developing. As a result, they must bite on everything they can find to file their teeth down. Those internal systems may become targets of errant gnawing if they travel into the attic or walls. This might result in a fire, leaky or polluted air conditioning, and flooding. Furthermore, these animals carry fleas, parasites, and illnesses on their bodies and feces, which can be passed on to anybody in the house.

What You Can Do To Keep Your Attic Pest-Free

While it’s always best to hire professionals to eradicate infestations, that doesn’t mean you can’t opt for some quick fixes that can help ensure a pest-free attic. Here’s a few of them:

1. Check Your Home’s Exterior Consistently

Many homeowners claim that they seldom go to specific sides of their houses or see the roof. You may identify issues before they become worse by keeping an eye on the exterior condition every once in a while.

2. Prune the Branches of Tall Trees Nearby

Squirrels and raccoons are great climbers and will utilize tall trees to get onto your roof and into your attic, so be aware of any branches that may lean toward your home and trim them regularly.

3. Patch Up Holes on the Roof

Most attic pests enter through roof entryways, so seal any gaps as soon as possible to prevent them from getting inside.

4. Seal Up Vents and Other Openings

Roof vents are another entry point for pests into your attic, so blocking them is a quick fix. Roof vent covers are a simple method to prevent any entryways and are constructed to withstand erosion, making them an excellent investment.

5. Install a Chimney Cover

If you have a chimney in place, installing a cover is a handy way to keep critters out. Chimney covers are designed to let smoke escape while keeping everything else out.


If you’re hearing scurrying and other signs like droppings, nesting, or chewing damage, you could be witnessing the beginnings of a horrific problem that affects most homes in America. Don’t expose yourself to the danger of unpleasant smells, sickness, or electrical risks. If you suspect an infestation, get a professional on-site to help fix the problem and prevent any future ones.

While there are some do-it-yourself options for eliminating attic pests, we always advocate hiring a professional. 5 Star Roofer is one of the leading roof contractors in Birmingham and Brentwood. Email or call us today to get a free roof inspection!

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