What Causes Roof Systems to Fail: Reasons Behind These Failures

Your roof does more than just protect you and your family from external forces. A well-built roof also boosts your home’s visual appeal and instantly increases your property’s value in the market. These reasons are more than enough to persuade you to work with reliable roofing contractors because building a roof is surely an investment. 

When you pick an unknown contractor to work with and fall for cheap rates and services, you’ll end up spending more than you hoped for. You’ll probably double your maintenance checks as well as repairs, ramping up your home’s annual home budget. Although you religiously follow maintenance tips, your roof may still fail prematurely because of other factors. 

While some factors are pretty obvious, some are hidden and should be addressed right away; otherwise, your roof will slowly deteriorate and cause more problems. So, if you’re curious to know what causes a roofing system to fail, keep reading. Here are some of the common causes roof systems fail. Let’s take a look!

Reason #1: Your Roof System has Poor Design and Workmanship

There’s no doubt that the design and construction of your roof play a crucial role in its effectiveness and performance. Because of this, you need to ensure that the roofing contractors you’re working with are aware of the right techniques and designs to build a high-quality roof. With that said, make sure that your team of contractors have an impressive track record, have extensive knowledge of the building process, and can communicate and build relationships with clients. 

Reason #2: Your Contractor Used Defective or Cheap Roofing Materials

In an attempt to save on expenses, an untrustworthy contractor will impress you with a low-budget project, but sadly, a lot will be compromised. They will end up using low-quality or defective roofing materials that may seem effective at first, but over time, it will start to damage and cause further issues in your roofing system. For this reason, running maintenance checks and regularly making sure that your materials are under warranty are crucial.

Reason #3: Roofing Maintenance Isn’t Your Priority

Unfortunately, many homeowners take roof maintenance for granted, and they don’t pay much attention to their newly installed roof. But when you neglect your roof’s maintenance, it could impact its overall performance, leading to system failure.

Without proper maintenance, you speed up your roof’s deterioration rate. Besides that, you also increase the damage of minor issues that would have otherwise been addressed early on. 

Reason #4: Ignoring Structural Abuse

Roofs are built with a weight limit on how much they can hold. However, many make the mistake of thinking that they are strong enough to handle weight and external factors that they completely forget about structural abuse. 

When you walk on your roof or ignore its weight capacity, your roof will inevitably experience deterioration and quicker wear and tear. So before you walk on your roof to add antennas or other devices, make sure you’re aware of how much your roof can hold. 

The Bottom Line: How Do I Prevent Roofing System Failures?

These are only some of the reasons behind roof system failures, and if you’re not aware by now, the best way to deal with this and prevent roof failures is by working with trusted roofing contractors. Working with a team who knows what they’re doing, has an impressive local reputation and track record, and has extensive knowledge in the field will help you avoid these issues. This will allow you to rest well knowing you have a strong and well-built roof keeping you and your family safe. 

How Can We Help You?

If you’re looking for roofing contractors in Birmingham who could install or repair your roof, you’ve come to the right place. 

5 Star Roofing and Restoration offers residential roofing, roof tear-offs, and commercial roofing systems. With our extensive experience and team of reliable contractors, we continue to work with industry-leading manufacturers and have labor warranties to ensure that we provide exceptional service.

Learn more about our services today!

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